A junção crânio cervical é uma região altamente complexa em sua anatomia e funcionalidade. Está envolvida em várias patologias, devido às interações entre os sistemas nervoso, arterial, venoso e glinfático.
Por exemplo, a ponte miodural é uma estrutura de colágeno tipo I que conecta os músculos suboccipitais com a duramater. Isso evita que haja um "enrugamento" da meninge sobre a medula, melhorando o fluxo liquórico entre estas estruturas. Ela é filogeneticamente preservada demonstrando sua importância na evolução das espécies.
O entendimento dessa região anatômica permitirá que você amplie consideravelmente seus conhecimentos bem como a maneira de observar o sistema nervoso e as manifestações clínicas dos seus pacientes, colaborando no planejamento de estratégias de tratamento para cada caso.
Esse curso é a síntese de anos de dedicação ao tema com vasta bibliografia para estudo complementar. Buscamos trazer todo conteúdo de maneira didática e de fácil compreensão.
O curso está disponível através da plataforma EAD por um período de 12 meses (1 ano) a partir da aquisição no site, podendo ser assistido quantas vezes quiser durante esse período.
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Exclusivo para médicos e estudantes de medicina.
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1Boas Vindas
2Introdução ao tema
3Ponte Miodural
Ponte Miodural
Aula on line Ponte Miodural 1
Aula on line Ponte Miodural 2
Aula on line Ponte Miodural 3
Aula on line Ponte Miodural 4
Aula on line Ponte Miodural 5
Aula on line Ponte Miodural 6
Aula on line Ponte Miodural 7
Aula on line Ponte Miodural 8
The obliquus capitis inferior myodural bridge
9 págs.
Histological examination of the human obliquus capitis inferior myodural bridge
7 págs.
The Posterior Atlantooccipital Membrane: The Anchor for the Myodural Bridge and Meningovertebral Structures
8 págs.
The cervical myodural bridge, a review of literature and clinical implications
13 págs.
Nerve fibers innervating the cranial and spinal meninges: Morphology of nerve fiber terminals and their structural integration
10 págs.
A specialized myodural bridge named occipital‑dural muscle in the narrow‑ridged finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis)
10 págs.
Aula sobre o artigo - Evidence for chronic headaches induced by pathological changes of myodural bridge complex
Evidence for chronic headaches induced by pathological changes of myodural bridge complex
9 págs.
Aula sobre o artigo - Resveratrol e ponte miodural
Resveratrol ameliorates pathological fibrosis of the myodural bridge by regulating the SIRT3/TGF-v1/Smad pathway
10 págs.
4Sistema Arterial
Sistema Arterial
Aula on line JCC - Sistema Vascular parte 1
Aula on line JCC Sitema Arterial parte 2
Aula on line JCC Sistema arterial parte 3
Aula on line JCC Sistema vascular parte 4
Aula on line JCC Sistema vascular parte 5
Mechanical disorders of the cervicocerebral circulation in children and young adults
8 págs.
Advances in the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment of Bow Hunter’s Syndrome- A Comprehensive Review of the Literature
17 págs.
Clinical Importance of the Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery/ A Review of the Literature
15 págs.
5Sistema Venoso
Sistema Venoso
Sistema Venoso - Parte 2
An anatomical study of the suboccipital cavernous sinus and its relationship with the myodural bridge complex
13 págs.
Craniocervical Junction Venous Anatomy on Enhanced MR Images: The Suboccipital Cavernous Sinus
5 págs.
The Venular Side of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy- Proof of Concept of a Neglected Issue
26 págs.
The dilated veins surrounding the cord in multiple sclerosis suggest elevated pressure and obstruction of the glymphatic system
3 págs.
Cerebrospinal fluid egress to human parasagittal dura and the impact of sleep deprivation
16 págs.
The cerebrospinal venous system anatomy, physiology and clinical implications
18 págs.
The function of the vertebral veins and their role in the spread of metastases
24 págs.
Human cerebral venous outflow pathway depends on posture and central venous pressure
11 págs.
Extrajugular pathways of human cerebral venous blood drainage assessed by duplex ultrasound
8 págs.
Diagnostic pitfall atypical cerebral venous drainage via vertebral venous sistem
4 págs.
Craniocervical Junction Venous Anatomy on Enhanced
5 págs.
Morphology of the human internal vertebral venous plexus A cadaver study after
10 págs.
The vertebral venous plexus as a major cerebral venous outflow tract
6 págs.
The vertebral venous plexus
9 págs.
The Craniocervical Venous System in Relation to Cerebral Venous Drainage
18 págs.
Aula sobre o artigo: Case report- Post-traumatic Tourette syndrome
Case report- Post-traumatic Tourette syndrome resolving with jugular venous narrowing
5 págs.
6Sistema Glinfático
Sistema Glinfático - parte 1
Sistema Glinfático parte 2
Sistema Glinfático - parte 3
Sistema Glinfático parte 4
A Brief Overview of the Cerebrospinal Fluid System and Its Implications for Brain and Spinal Cord Diseases
7 págs.
The meningeal lymphatic system: a new player in neurophysiology
58 págs.
Understanding the functions and relationships of the glymphatic system and meningeal lymphatics
20 págs.
The underlying role of the glymphatic system and meningeal lymphatic vessels in cerebral small vessel disease
18 págs.
The glymphatic system- a new perspective on brain diseases
21 págs.
The glymphatic system and multiple sclerosis- An evolving connection
12 págs.
The glymphatic system (En)during inflammation
20 págs.
The Effect of Body Posture on Brain Glymphatic Transport
22 págs.
Strutural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatics
44 págs.
Research Evidence of the Role of the Glymphatic System and Its Potential Pharmacological Modulation in Neurodegenerative Diseases
24 págs.
Promoting the clearance of neurotoxic proteins in neurodegenerative disorders of aging
69 págs.
Photobiomodulation Therapy and the Glymphatic System/ Promising Applications for Augmenting the Brain Lymphatic Drainage System
18 págs.
Non-invasive MR imaging of human brain lymphatic networks with connections to cervical lymph nodes
28 págs.
Neuroimaging evidence of glymphatic system dysfunction in possible REM sleep behavior disorder and Parkinson’s disease
9 págs.
Modulation of lymphatic transport in the central nervous system
30 págs.
Lymphatics in neurological disorders - a neuro-lympho-vascular component of multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer disease
66 págs.
Glymphatic system- an emerging therapeutic approach for neurological disorders
12 págs.
Glymphatic Dysfunction Induced Oxidative Stress and Neuro-Inflammation in Major Depression Disorders
15 págs.
Glymphatic and lymphatic communication with systemic responses during physiological and pathological conditions in the central nervous system
9 págs.
CNS lymphatic drainage and neuroinflammation are regulated by meningeal lymphatic vasculature
70 págs.
Cerebrovascular activity is a major factor in the cerebrospinal fluid flow dynamics
33 págs.
Glymphatic system dysfunction predicts amyloid deposition, neurodegeneration, and clinical progression in Alzheimer’s disease
19 págs.
Aula sobre o artigo - EA Improves Clearance of Amyloid-v through the Glymphatic System in the SAMP8 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease.pdf
EA Improves Clearance of Amyloid-v through the Glymphatic System in the SAMP8 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease.pdf
15 págs.
Aula sobre o artigo - Longitudinal assessment of glymphatic changes following mTBI - RNM
Longitudinal assessment of glymphatic changes following mTBI - RNM
28 págs.
Aula sobre o artigo - Therapeutic approaches to CNS diseases via the meningeal lymphatic and glymphatic system/ prospects and challenges
Therapeutic approaches to CNS diseases via the meningeal lymphatic and glymphatic system/ prospects and challenges
45 págs.
7Fluxo Lincórico
Fluxo Lincórico
8Artigos Novos
Aula sobre o artigo - Human brain solute transport quantifed by glymphatic MRI-informed biophysics during sleep and sleep deprivation
Human brain solute transport quantifed by glymphatic MRI-informed biophysics during sleep and sleep deprivation
15 págs.
Aula do artigo - EA Improves Clearance of Amyloid-v through the Glymphatic System in the SAMP8 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
EA Improves Clearance of Amyloid-v through the Glymphatic System in the SAMP8 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
15 págs.
Aula sobre o artigo - Photobiomodulation in experimental models of Alzheimer’s disease- state-of-the-art and translational perspectives
Photobiomodulation in experimental models of Alzheimer’s disease: state-of-the-art and translational perspectives
38 págs.
Brain Photobiomodulation Therapy: A Narrative Review
57 págs.
Aula sobre o artigo - Novel Ultrasound-Guided Hydrodissection with 5% Dextrose for the Treatment of Occipital Neuralgia Targeting the Greater Occipital Nerve
Novel Ultrasound-Guided Hydrodissection with 5% Dextrose for the Treatment of Occipital Neuralgia Targeting the Greater Occipital Nerve
28 págs.
Possible autonomic or cranial nerve symptoms triggered during sustained neck rotation
11 págs.
Aula sobre o artigo: The periaxonal space as a conduit for cerebrospinal fluid flow to peripheral organs
The periaxonal space as a conduit for cerebrospinal fluid flow to peripheral organs
12 págs.
Aula sobre o artigo - Cardiorespiratory dynamics in the brain... correlates in functional MRI signal
Cardiorespiratory dynamics in the brain- Review on the significance of cardiovascular and respiratory correlates in functional MRI signal
20 págs.
Conservative Management of Acute Sports-Related Concussions- A Narrative Review
31 págs.
The lymphatic system- a therapeutic target for central nervous system disorders
8 págs.
Conservative Management of Acute Sports-Related Concussions- A Narrative Review
21 págs.
Assessment of factors influencing glymphatic activity and implications for clinical medicine
15 págs.
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12x R$ 73,66
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